Environmental Policy
Motivf Corporation is committed to understanding how the environment affects people in order to promote healthier lives. Therefore, it is important as a company to preserve and protect the environment. As we advance scientific understanding regarding the fundamental interrelationship between human health and the environment, we will proactively demonstrate our commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable development.
Motivf strives to:
Continually improve our environmental performance.
Comply with all applicable environmental, health, and safety laws, regulations, and other requirements.
Implement effective pollution prevention and waste minimization programs to reduce, reuse, and recycle materials.
Ensure that energy and water are used responsibly and conserved through innovative practices and procedures.
Provide all Motivf staff with the knowledge and tools needed to meet the goals of this policy and to actively participate in efforts to prevent negative environmental impacts.
Measure progress toward our environmental goals.
At Motivf Corporation, we encourage all employees to strive for the reduction of unnecessary procurement, purchasing environmentally-preferable products, reusing, donating, extending the use of products and materials, recycling materials such as paper, cardboard, beverage containers, metals, plastic, glass, and ink and toner cartridges and composting materials such as food scraps, food soiled paper products and green waste.
Motivf prioritizes and works almost completely electronically unless requested by clients otherwise. Motivf has not needed to own or purchase printers, paper or other products that add to waste. All mail and other products used at meetings and events under Motivf must be recycled. Laptops at Motivf are repurposed to extend the use of products and materials.
Motivf Corporation utilizes an all-digital invoicing system to reduce waste and carbon emissions for transporting physical mail. We encourage our clients to utilize electronic bill payments and digital methods of communication. We recycle or repurpose our electronics to mitigate waste and maintain the use of modern, efficient models. We always repurpose laptops and/or any other hardware. We minimize unnecessary travel as a corporation.
Motivf Corporation recognizes the continual need for improvement in our environmental management system and will strive to obtain greater input from leadership and have a stronger commitment to proactive initiatives that boost environmental performance.
Electronic Waste
Motivf purchases and provides computers to W2 employees for use in a remote environment. Upon the end of the useful life of the computers, Motivf offers to sell the computer to the employee for personal use or accept the computer back for return to the manufacturer. Reselling increases the useful life of the computer and returning allows for the proper recycling of the materials. All of our purchases and trade-ins are conducted through Best Buy.
Web Conferencing
Motivf values the positive environmental impact of web conferencing and remote work environments. We minimize travel requirements to trimester meets where Motivf employees get together to collaborate in person and break the social distance barriers that can exist in a remote work environment.
Motivf utilizes web conferencing for more than 95% of our meetings. When Motivf employees gather together, we follow the green meeting standard as outlined in https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2015-10/documents/epa-r9-grn-mtgs-policy.pdf. For example, the use of disposable waste is avoided by using filtered dispensed water and reusable dishware. Employees use an electric vehicle to travel in and around the area of Alexandria, VA when meetings are held at the reserved site.
Motivf utilizes a remote work environment which eliminates all the energy, water, and waste associated with a combined workspace. Motivf encourages employees to save energy by following procedures such as: unplugging computers when not in use, shutting down computers overnight, utilizing Google Drive to eliminate the need for storage hardware, and utilizing the modern, energy efficient computers provided by Motivf. Should Motivf move into a leased space, we would resume regular energy, water and waste audits.
CODE OF CONDUCT – All suppliers will commit to:
1. Pollution Prevention and Resource Reduction:
a. We commit to implementing measures to prevent pollution and reduce the consumption of natural resources.
b. We will strive to minimize our environmental impact through responsible use and disposal of materials.
2. Solid Waste Management:
a. We will adopt effective waste management practices, including recycling and proper disposal, to minimize the generation of solid waste.
b. We encourage suppliers to actively participate in waste reduction initiatives.
3. Product Use and Toxicity Minimization:
a. We will prioritize the development and use of products that are safe, non-toxic, and environmentally friendly.
b. We will work towards minimizing the use of hazardous substances in our operations and products.
4. Energy and GHG Emissions Minimization and Reduction:
a. We will strive to minimize energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions through energy-efficient practices and the use of renewable energy sources.
b. We will explore opportunities for carbon footprint reduction and adopt relevant strategies.
5. Packaging Minimization and Reduction:
a. We will actively seek ways to minimize packaging materials and adopt sustainable packaging alternatives.
b. We encourage the use of recyclable and biodegradable packaging materials whenever possible.
6. Transportation Minimization:
a. We will promote sustainable transportation options and encourage suppliers to use public transportation, carpool, or cycle to work.
b. We will explore opportunities to reduce the environmental impact of our transportation activities.
Scope 1: Direct GHG Emissions & Scope 2: Electricity Indirect GHG Emissions
Direct GHG emissions occur from sources that are owned or controlled by the company, for example, emissions from combustion in owned or controlled boilers, furnaces, vehicles, etc.; emissions from chemical production in owned or controlled process equipment.
Scope 2 accounts for GHG emissions from the generation of purchased electricity consumed by the company. Purchased electricity is defined as electricity that is purchased or otherwise brought into the organizational boundary of the company. Scope 2 emissions physically occur at the facility where electricity is generated.
Motivf Corporation operates fully remotely and does not own any GHG emitting sources.
Numbers calculated using the EPA Simplified GHG Emissions Calculator
Here is purchased electricity for our rented coworking space (March 2022 - March 2023) - Based on actual energy bill:
840 SqFt
16125 kWh purchased
You may find more information about Motivf’s Governance, Disclosure of Ethical Business Practices and Performance, Compensation & Fair Wages, and more in our Annual Report. Please email info@motivf.com to view our Annual Report upon request.